Before Publication

Revised Articles

Accepted Articles

Proofreading and Final Check

Galley Proofs

Withdrawal Policy

Unethical Withdrawal

Request for Withdrawal

After Publication

Publishing Schedule

Post-Publication Corrections

Post-Publication Concerns



Expressions of Concern


Before Publication

Revised Articles

Revised articles must be submitted again within 2 months after receiving comments, otherwise will be considered as withdrawn.

Accepted Articles

The accepted articles must be paid before publication. Payment is due within 30 days from acceptance. Upon the authors’ request, the journal may grant an extension for payment completion. Please be aware that if no communication is received from the authors within two months from the acceptance date, the journal retains the right to withdraw the manuscript from consideration. After receiving the payment, the articles are then published within three months from the payment date (Standard track) or within 40 days from the payment date (Superfast track).

NOTE: The publication fee is only required for accepted articlesThe payment will only be processed after official acceptance and the journal will never require any prior deposit during the review process. Additional information regarding publication costs at Article Processing Charge (APC).

Proofreading and Final Check

In our dedication to upholding the scientific integrity, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences adheres to a rigorous proofreading process following peer review, ensuring thorough scrutiny before publishing a paper. At this stage, publishing editors meticulously review the manuscript, identifying and addressing editorial inconsistencies, ambiguities, and any grammar mistakes. Any remaining queries are resolved through discussion with the author. This meticulous process is designed to minimize errors that could require post-publication corrections. If minor revisions are necessary, the article will only be published once the identified issues are satisfactorily addressed by the authors.

The Editor in Chief retains the right to overturn the article’s acceptance if evidence of scientific misconduct is discovered during the production or copyediting process. This includes issues such as figure manipulation/duplication, plagiarism, and other ethical violations.

Galley Proofs

To ensure a fast publication process of the articles accepted for publication, we kindly ask authors to provide us with their proof corrections within three days. The Corresponding Author will receive an e-mail containing the galley proof. The galley proofs can be downloaded as a PDF file. Authors can annotate and upload their edits on the PDF version or provide them in a separate word document. All instructions for proofing will be given in the e-mail that we send to the authors. After acceptance, authors cannot apply major corrections to the manuscript, Figures, Tables, or authorship. Before publication, we send galley proofs twice to authors, who are asked to carefully check them and send their approval for publication.

Authors must check carefully the typesetting, editing, correctness and completeness of the text (including author names, affiliations and corresponding author information), figures and tables. To ensure that corrections are handled consistently, one editor deals with them all. At this stage, significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered with permission from the Editor. All corrections must be returned to us at in a unique communication. Authors must check the galley proofs carefully before replying, as the inclusion of any subsequent corrections will not be allowed. Proofreading is performed on the manuscript file by the Editorial Office before creating the galley proof, but the authors are encouraged to double check the galley proof very carefully before sending their approval. The Editorial Office will do everything possible to get accepted articles published quickly and accurately.

Withdrawal Policy

Authors may withdraw their manuscript within 48 hours of submission. After this time, the revision process is considered to have started. Once the evaluation is underway, withdrawal is allowed in case of the identification of errors in the data or results, ethical concerns, or similar issues.

Unethical Withdrawal

Maintaining an open-access model relies on a mutual commitment from both the Publisher and the Authors, with respect for the work and resources invested by all parties. Although payment is requested only upon acceptance, considerable resources are dedicated prior to that point.

Examples of unethical and illicit withdrawal include but are not limited to:

–  Multiple submissions to different journals: Submitting the same article to different journals to receive different opinions from reviewers or increase the possibility of acceptance is considered unethical.

–  Withdraw to submit to a journal with an Impact Factor: Authors are responsible for verifying, prior to submission, whether the journal they intend to submit to meets the publication criteria they are seeking.

–  Withdrawal for lack of funds: Authors must be aware that the journal charges APC at acceptance (for more information, please, refer to Article Processing Charge). Authors are, therefore, responsible for ensuring they have sufficient funds from the institution/university before submitting the manuscript.

If authors persist in requesting withdrawal without providing valid reasons, the journal reserves the right to:

–  Blacklist the authors: The publisher may maintain a blacklist of authors who violate the journal’s editorial and ethical policies, potentially preventing future submissions.

–  Contact the authors’ institution: The publisher may contact the authors’ institutions and/or superiors to inform them about the case.

Request for Withdrawal

The authors must submit an official withdrawal request to the editorial office, providing a detailed and valid explanation that will be evaluated case-by-case by our competent department. Please, complete this form and send it to to request a manuscript withdrawal.

Requests for withdrawals can only be considered valid if the authors receive an official confirmation email from the journal.

Please note that failing to resubmit the manuscript after receiving comments does not constitute a withdrawal. The journal reserves the right to withdraw the manuscript if no response is received from the authors within two months. In such cases, an official email will be sent to the corresponding author’s email address.

The retraction of a published article differs from withdrawals and is subject to a separate procedure. For more information, please check Post-Publication Concerns


After Publication

Publishing Schedule

Articles are published bimonthly, at mid-month and at the end of the month. Therefore, two issues are published each month. Special issues and supplements do not have a fixed publication date.

Post-Publication Corrections

We set no time limit for notifying errors or publishing corrections. Anyway, the editorial team will evaluate corrections case by case to determine the impact of the amendments within the manuscript and decide how to handle them.

In case authors discover a mistake between online and galley proof we will normally correct it by making the article correct in the online version.

Post-Publication Concerns

Post-publication critiques may be submitted to the journal as “letters to the editor” and “commentaries” via Publishing Manager, providing a foundation for the raised criticisms. The journal provides original authors with the opportunity to respond to criticisms through a “reply letter.” Both the critique and response letters are peer-reviewed.

To report serious post-publication concerns, you can write to When complaints are raised, applicants should provide evidence to support the claims. The journal adheres to COPE guidelines for addressing significant post-publication concerns, such as errors, substantial mistakes leading to invalidated conclusions, plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, and undisclosed conflicts of interest. Specifically, the journal adheres to COPE guidelines to handle whistleblower concerns submitted via email. Upon becoming aware, the journal adheres to COPE guidelines when addressing concerns raised about a published article on a social media platform.

The Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board Members may start an independent investigation with a new set of reviewers to establish any error and/or malpractice. The authors are promptly informed about the investigation and may be required to provide a detailed and official reply letter to concerns. Original data must be available for journal review if any concerns arise post-publication. If the investigation yields a result, such as a correction or retraction, the journal will promptly notify both the individual who initially raised the concern and the authors involved. Instances of suspected misconduct will be reported to the author’s affiliated institution and/or university.


Honest errors require the publication of a correction when they are detected. The journal publishes erratum when a significant error has been detected in a published article and some changes are required. Significant mistakes involve tables, incorrect information, and spelling errors. Corresponding authors should send an email stating the type of error and the requested corrections. All authors have to agree with the erratum by signing a formal document. To ensure that corrections are handled consistently, one editor deals with them all.

To issue an erratum, the journal follows the ICMJE guidelines.

  • An erratum notice linked to the article to be corrected will be published in the first available issue.
  • The erratum notice will clearly state the title and authors, the issue of publication, the DOI, and the PMID in the erratum heading.
  • Corrections will be clearly stated in the erratum notice from the original version and the date(s) on which the changes were made.
  • The erratum notice will be freely available to all readers online.
  • We will post a new article version with details of the changes.
  • The journal will archive all prior versions of the manuscript.

Should the error arise from the journal or publisher, it will be distinctly identified through a specified publisher’s note.

Serious errors that invalidate the results and conclusions of the study may require retractions.


In case a third party informs us about mistakes, problems or manipulation related to data or research itself, the Editor in Chief can decide to conduct an independent peer-review to establish whether the published data are reliable or accurate. In particular, the journal follows the COPE’s guidance to deal with warnings of image manipulation in a published article. The Editor in Chief can decide to retract an article without the consent of the authors in case of malpractice or evident mistakes.

Retractions will be considered by the journal in case of evidence of unreliable data (i.e., experimental error), plagiarism, unethical research, and misconduct (i.e., data fabrication and image manipulation). In particular, the Editor in Chief may consider retracting a publication following guidelines on Good Publication Practice as reported in COPE and in ICMJE guidelines.

  • A retraction notice, with a direct link to the original retracted article, will be published in the in the first available issue;
  • The retraction notice will clearly state the title and authors, the issue of publication, the DOI, and the PMID in the retraction heading;
  • The retraction notice will be freely available to all readers and will state who is retracting the article and the detailed reason(s) for retraction.
  • The original retracted article will be flagged as retracted with a red label on the original PDF file.

All requests for retractions by authors must be sent by the corresponding author who should provide detailed reasons for retraction. Authors should also provide a signed document stating that all authors agree with retraction and related reasons. The Editor in Chief reserves the right to start an investigation after authors’ request to retract the manuscript to assess the article’s results and validity.

Expressions of Concern

Following guidelines on Good Publication Practice as reported in COPE, the Editor in Chief may consider issuing an Expression of Concern if well-founded concerns arise after publication to warn readers that an investigation is ongoing and in case the investigation may take more time to be concluded.

Expressions of Concern may also be issued in case an investigation has proved inconclusive and if there remain strong indicators that the concerns are valid.

  • An expression of concern, with a direct link to the original article, will be published in the in the first available issue;
  • The expression of concern will clearly state the title and authors, the issue of publication, the DOI, and the PMID in the expression of concern heading;
  • The expression of concern notice will be freely available to all readers and will state the reason for the investigation.